Inca Way of Life

Elena Radford


2021 Class description:

The Inca Way is a new millennial manner of sharing ancient teachings that originated from the ancient Andean ways of life. She is delighted to share insights from using the sacred tools passed down from the ancestors, tools that had been gifted to the Incas thousands of years ago and protected for centuries. The tools include the knowledge, technology, science, and creations encoded in the energy of the sacred geometry symbols and the language of the Inca Cross. 

2021 instructor | Elena Radford

Born in the mountains of Peru, Elena Radford inherited the knowledge and gifts of her ancestors. But she, like all of us, was given a choice. At first, she decided to decline accepting the gifts and, at 19, moved to the United States to attend university. She became the mom of two amazing boys. Later in life, she accepted her calling and was trained by an Inca Shaman in her home country. Elena is committed to preserving and sharing the ancient knowledge of her fore-bearers, the Incas and Pre-Incas who created remarkable individuals and communities.