Lucy Osborne

Lucy Osborne


2021 Class description:

intenSati is a sweat-dripping, heart-pumping, mood-lifting cardio awakening (think dance meets kickboxing meets yoga) that infuses powerful, positive spoken affirmations to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and learn to train ourselves to be who we want to be and feel how we want to feel right now, instead of waiting for the perfect relationship, job, or paycheck to make us feel that way.

2021 instructor | lucy osborne

Lucy is an energetic and soulful intenSati leader from New York City, known for her bright smile and contagious joy. She teaches from a place of deep conviction and real life experience, having seen a shift from worrier to warrior in her own life, due to this powerful practice. Her mission is to leave this place better than she found it, whether that be the planet, an event, or simply a conversation.