Accessing your Intuition

Deidre Norman

Deidre Norman


2021 Class description:

Intuition is our birthright, and we all have it, t is just that many of us were taught not to listen to it. Intuition is our Sixth Sense. It is not something to chase or to reach for, it is already within in us…we just need to open up and receive it. When we start to engage our sixth sense (our intuition), we start to co-create our life and we begin to align more fully with our true selves. We also start to notice more synchronicities and we find ourselves more in the flow!

2021 instructor: Deidre norman

Deidre Norman is a Master Sattva Yoga teacher and Medical Intuitive whose mission is to guide people to align with their Highest Truth through personal energy evaluations, spiritual wellness courses and the teachings of yoga and meditation.

Learning to manage her energy and energy boundaries has been one of the most transformative things in her life. And because of this, one of her main passions is to share these teachings with others. She works with people through Intuitive Readings, Intuitive Coaching and online courses that empower others to tap into their own Intuitive abilities and manage their energy. As a Medical Intuitive, Deidre uses her intuitive abilities to help people understand the emotional, psychological and spiritual energy that lies at the root of illness, disease or life crises.