Linda Yeazel


2021 Class description:

Living your best life requires that we learn from the past and not carry it into the present. We do that by releasing guilt, regret, shame and anger through the act of forgiveness – forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self. We all have a story. Creating a story based on the facts of our lives reduces chaos and drama. We learn to ask better questions, see more possibilities, set strong boundaries, and take powerful action. We relax into life, letting go of control, enjoying and learning from life as it is unfolding. Mid-life, menopause, aging parents, and blended families can be the birthplace for wonderful changes when we remain open to letting go of what we knew and embracing the unknown.

2021 instructor | Linda Yeazel

“Say YES to you” is my motto - and I didn’t learn this until well into my 50’s. I firmly believe that to give your best to others you MUST put yourself first and learn to say no. Wearing the mask of Superwoman is exhausting. Trying to please everyone, juggle the needs of your own children, aging parents, careers, and spouse create burnout and resentment. At the bottom of your list of priorities you find yourself asking “When will there be time for me?” I teach women the essential tools necessary to get off of auto-pilot, consider themselves first, set boundaries, and navigate the changes that occur in mid-life. When clients discover the hidden beliefs that prevent them from making the choices necessary to live their best life they are able to create a clear vision for their future, set goals, and take action. 

I am a Certified Master Life Coach, a wife of 34 years, and the step-mom to an adult daughter with special needs.