Good Soul Hypnotherapy

Mac Sullivan

Mac Sullivan


2021 Class description:

In a gentle way we can change the negative stories about ourselves in our subconscious. In doing so, we change our forward trajectory, even slightly, and it changes our lives dramatically!

Welcome to Soul Good Hypnotherapy. Hi, my name is Mac Sullivan and I'll be sharing with you what Hypnotherapy is all about (some of you may have already experienced the magic) AND sharing the Absolute Incredible Power each and every one of us are!!

Hypnotherapy, basically is a guided meditation with imagery, is to untangle negative conceptions (old stories) that we may have about ourselves, often gathered from childhood, and reconnect to the truths about ourselves thus reconnecting to our own inner wisdom.

2021 instructor | Mac sullivan

I speak from my personal experience of healing through hypnotherapy. After 25 years of emergency nursing, (oh gosh, I was so passionate about this work!), over time, I felt an ever widening hole inside and deeply yearned to find a different path to offer healing for others and myself. After attending the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Albuquerque, NM, I realized hypnotherapy offers clarity, understanding, compassion for self and a sense of purpose. Together, let's gently open the door into our subconscious mind to create our new positive powerful story.