Wendy Hobart

Wendy Hobart


2021 Class description:

Mindful Flow: A slow-paced flow class focusing on breath and movement. Throughout class we will spend a little longer in some poses to feel the balance between effort and ease. This slower class encourages time to check in with your internal environment, to see and feel patterns and unconscious behaviors both on your yoga mat and how that translates into your world off the mat.

Restorative Yoga: Supported poses designed to release deeply held tensions. Poses are supported with a variety of props including blankets, blocks, bolsters and belts. Each pose is experienced for 5-10 minutes. Restorative yoga supports the nervous system and promotes rest, relaxation, recovery and healing. Find a sense of ease with being without doing.

2021 instructor | wendy hobart

My intention as a yoga teacher is to share yoga and meditation to anyone who seeks peace in their busy lives.  Yoga is the relationship built between the mind, the body and the spirit.  Yoga helps both your mind and your body become less rigid, more open and flexible.   I teach classes that are playful and fun, but also focus on creating an inward focus.  I came to yoga with a background in women’s health as an Ob/Gyn.  After taking a few years off to spend time with my young family, I became a certified yoga instructor and have been teaching for over 10 years.  In that time I taught in a variety of settings including church parlors, gyms, and a senior center before opening Sunflower Yoga Studio in Hutchinson, KS. Most recently I have been teaching yoga at Teton Pines in Wilson, WY.  When not teaching yoga, you’ll find me hiking with my dogs in the Tetons, or cooking yummy farm to table dinners for friends and family.  Wendy Hobart, MD  E-RYT 500